Publicaciones de los Participantes

Fecha Tipo Autores (se indican en negrita los/las IP miembros de la red) Titulo Revista Enlace
2024/02/20 Paper González-García MP, Sáez A, Lanza M, Hoyos P, Bustillo-Avendaño E, Pacios LF, Gradillas A, Moreno-Risueño MA, Hernaiz MJ, Del Pozo JC Synthetically derived BiAux modulates auxin co-receptor activity to stimulate lateral root formation Plant Physiology
2024/02/08 Paper Uddin S, Munir MZ, Larriba E, Pérez-Pérez JM, Gull S, Pervaiz T, Mahmood U, Mahmood Z, Sun Y, Li Y Temporal profiling of physiological, histological, and transcriptomic dissection during auxin-induced adventitious root formation in tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia micro-cuttings Planta
2023/12/27 Paper Marín-Peña AJ, Vega-Mas I, Busturia I, de la Osa C, González-Moro MB, Monreal JA, Marino D Root phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity is essential for Sorghum bicolor tolerance to ammonium nutrition Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
2023/11/13 Paper Perez-Garcia P, Pucciariello O, Sanchez-Corrionero A, Cabrera J, Del Barrio C, Del Pozo JC, Perales M, Wabnik K, Moreno-Risueno MA The cold-induced factor CBF3 mediates root stem cell activity, regeneration, and developmental responses to cold Plant Communications
2023/09/14 Paper Morales-Sierra S, Luis JC, Jiménez-Arias D, Rancel-Rodríguez NM, Coego A, Rodriguez PL, Cueto M, Borges AA Biostimulant activity of Galaxaura rugosa seaweed extracts against water deficit stress in tomato seedlings involves activation of ABA signaling Frontiers in Plant Science
2023/09/06 Paper Pasternak T, Kircher S, Palme K, Pérez-Pérez JM Regulation of early seedling establishment and root development in Arabidopsis thaliana by light and carbohydrates Planta
2023/02/08 Paper González-García MP, Conesa CM, Lozano-Enguita A, Baca-González V, Simancas B, Navarro-Neila S, Sánchez-Bermúdez M, Salas-González I, Caro E, Castrillo G, Del Pozo JC Temperature changes in the root ecosystem affect plant functionality Plant Communications